Epilepsy Ward

There are four wards for epilepsy patients: a ward for children, for adolescentsee, for adults, and for surgical therapy, with 50 beds each. In addition to the routine examinations such as blood testing, neuroimaging, and EEG evaluations, seizure symptoms are carefully evaluated by using long-term EEG/video monitoring. Then appropriate treatment is decided upon during hospitalization.
In-hospital schooling and rehabilitative therapies are available for children. Our comprehensive treatment program includes occupational therapy, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, neuropsychological training, daily life guidance, and social support for adult patients.

Neurosurgical Department

For intractable epilepsy patients, we consider whether epilepsy surgery is possible. For this purpose, some patients undergo long-term EEG monitoring and various imaging studies, as well as neuropsychological evaluation to elucidate the localization of their epileptogenic zones. Long-term intracranial EEG/video monitoring is also carried out when necessary. Surgery is offered to patients whose seizures can be adequately controlled and whose quality of life can be improved through surgery.